Thursday, April 9, 2009

Focus!!! Where is it?!

This is the gloomy view from my office and what I have been staring at for the last two days.

I've had two completely unproductive days and it's driving me crazy! I can't seem to sit down and do work. There are so many things happening right now, managing 7 undergraduate project teams, taking a pedagogy course, waiting to hear back from a company regarding an internship for the summer, which btw determines everything this summer, will I be on the west coast or the east coast?, when will I be where?, how long can I travel for in August?, will I make it to Sweden at all or just Lebanon?, will my friends be able to come visit me and when and how long can they wait on me letting them know?, will I blow all future chances with extension services?, my topic defense paper, my topic defense presentation, my ASE paper that I haven't started on, a potential job talk that's really scary and coming up in two weeks and completely out of the blue, the development of my research tool, the case study, what domain am I looking at? And then come the thoughts about the future... where is all this going? where will I be a year from now? what do I want? I don't even know what I want!!! How pathetic is that?!

It's all making me dizzy and right now for some reason I can't think about any of it. I really hope going to the movies tonight is the right kind of distraction to put me back on track tomorrow. 

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